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Avances recientes en envasado inteligente para la reducción de la cantidad de comida tirada a la basura

La reducción de la cantidad de comida que acaba en la basura es un campo de trabajo fundamental de cara a garantizar la sostenibilidad. Los indicadores nos pueden ayudar a conseguir dicho objetivo aumentando la vida útil de los alimentos.

Se encuentra disponible on-line el artículo «Recent advances on intelligent packaging as tools to reduce food waste» publicado en la revista Journal of Cleaner Production

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Food waste is one of the main issues for international organisms. It is not only an ethical and economic issue but it also depletes the environment of limited natural resources. Among strategies suitable for fighting such challenge, intelligent packaging is an interesting tool to reduce waste derived from households and retailers. A revision of 45 recent advances in the area of optical systems for freshness monitoring is reported herein. The study covers fruits, vegetables, fish products and meat since they are the most representative fields of application. Furthermore, a discussion about the main research challenges and opportunities that will be faced by intelligent packaging in the coming years is included.

Food freshness, Intelligent packaging.optoelectronic nose, Chromogenic array

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